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May Celebrations!



For the month of May, SwingStation brings Frankie Manning’s legacy alive!  To celebrate Frankie month and World Lindy Hop Day, we present special guest instructors who have learnt directly with Frankie for many many years and who have built their dance careers based on his inspirational character and talent.


We invite you to join these amazing teachers (Topics TBC):


  • 4 May: Asa and Daniel Heedman, Sweden

  • 11 May: Angela Andrews UK 

  • 18 May: Ryan Francois, Russia

  • 25 May: Erin Stevens, USA

May Open Classes

About the Teachers

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Asa and Daniel

Directors of the Herrang Dance Camp, Asa and Daniel have been dancing Lindy Hop for 25 years, They have taught and performed across Europe, North America and Asia together with the legendary swing dance troupe The Harlem Hot Shots (formerly the Rhythm Hot Shots). They are dedicated to focusing only on Lindy Hop and other dances from the same era like Authentic Jazz, Tap, Slow Drag and Charleston.


Original dancers like Norma Miller and Al Minns are their biggest resource of information and inspiration. And of course Frankie Manning is the greatest influence, as he is the dancer that they worked most closely with. During the 80s, Åsa used to teach regularly   with Frankie for many years and Frankie’s yearly trips to Herrang was a cherished source of knowledge.

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Angela Andrew

Angela Andrew is a dance artist born and raised in the East End of London.  A veteran on the International Lindy Hop scene, she was mentored by the originators of the dance and is keen to retain the spirit of Lindy Hop as communicated to her. 

Out of respect and gratitude for this legacy, she embarked on a mission to encourage mindfulness in the transmission of Lindy Hop and it's derivatives.  

Since 2012, Angela has, through a self-funded Mentorship scheme, supported the development of new teachers / young people entering the international Lindy Hop scene - especially those of African descent.  She created The Swing Debates round table discussions - facilitating open dialogue on topical issues within the Lindy Hop community.  She also created hashtags such as #sankofaswing: "sankofa" an Akan (Ghana) word translating to "go back and get which is good", to raise awareness against repeating historical negative cycles.


Her background in youth and community work was key to carry forward these projects in a sustainable manner considering financial / time constraints.


Having achieved success in these areas, Angela is now focussing on her own artistic work outside the Lindy Hop sphere.  She continues to fulfill her role as ‘Madrinha’ to Maputo Afro Swing Dance Company from Mozambique.


Her other current projects include:   Radical Integration at Chisenhale Dance Space - a collaborative project focussing on the transmission of dance via DNA, Inter-generational Conversation and Archiving in East London, The Shed guided training sessions 


You can also get to know her via the blog or on Instagram with the hashtag #OriginalHackneyHipster

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Ryan Francois

Ryan Francois is a swing dancer, choreographer and actor, who played a central part of the revival of the Lindy Hop. Specialising in dances related to the Jazz & Swing era - including the Lindy Hop, Charleston, Tap and Authentic Vernacular Jazz, Ryan has over 30 years dance experience. 


Ryan learned from and danced with Frankie Manning as well as Pepsi Bethel, George Lloyd and Mama Lu Parks. 


He has choreographed and/or danced in major movies (Swing Kids, Malcom X, Idlewild, Polar Express) and well as TV show like You Think You Can Dance and Strictly Come Dancing, AND of course the Broadway show SWING.


Erin Stevens

Erin Stevens is a co-owner of Pasadena Ballroom Dance Association and a world renowned Swing dancer. She is experienced in all forms of Ballroom dance but, is best known for her study of, and dance expertise in, the Lindy Hop style of swing. Credited with bringing the Father of Lindy Hop, Frankie Manning, out of dance retirement in the 1980’s, she was greatly influential in igniting the 2nd era of Swing (in the 90s). Frankie would visit Pasadena regularly, teaching at her events, Harvest Moon Ball and Catalina Swing Dance Camp. 


Erin has traveled extensively, teaching Lindy Hop across the United States, Australia, Singapore, Japan and throughout Europe. As a featured soloist for the American Movie Classics television special "Gotta Dance,”  in 1998 Erin was flown to Washington D.C. to dance at the White House for President Clinton. Her swing number was televised as part of the PBS special "Stomp, Slide, Swing: In Performance at the White House”.

Erin and her sister Tami still teach 7 nights a week in Pasadena, bringing Big Band live music and dance to many happy people!


Asa and Daniel

Angela Andrew

Ryan Francois

Erin Stevens

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